EPUBReader Blog

EPUBReader News

Archive for the ‘Allgemein’ Category

300,000 daily users milestone reached

After another 5 months EPUBReader has now 100,000 additional daily users!

In sum EPUBReader is now used by more than 300,000 daily users in 23 languages. Let’s see what happens in the next 5 months!

More than 200,000 daily users

I’m very happy, that EPUBReader reached today the 200,000 daily users milestone :) !

Right now 700 new users per day decide to use EPUBReader.
I’m curious how the future numbers will look like!

430 new users every day

In the last two months EPUBReaders daily user base has grown to 126,000 users which means an increase of 26,000 users.

On a per day basis this means 430 new daily users per day. For me this sounds pretty good ;) .

Position three at Top Downloads

EPUBReader is now at position three of the Top Downloads in the “Other” category at addons.mozilla.org.

Okay, it’s the “Other” category, but being right behind Flashblock and Greasemonkey is not that bad :) .

100,000 daily users in 23 languages

Was the last blog post really last June? Shame on me!

In the meantime EPUBReaders user base has grown significantly: more than 100,000 users in 23 languages use EPUBReader daily! Compared to the numbers from last June, this means a plus of 80,000 users. Right now 10,000 additional users per month decide to use EPUBReader.

Let’s see, how the future numbers will look like :) .